Monday, 28 November 2016

Journalists Caught in Lies

I have never considered that the news I read, watch or hear may be untrue. When news is published, most people trust the source and believe that they would only publish the truth. If say, CBC posted an article, most people would believe it is the truth because they are reliable, but if a random website that is not well known posted a website, it is easier to believe it is a lie. 

My reaction to these two articles was that it is unbelievable that actual journalists would be shallow enough to create such vulgar lies. I was very surprised that professional journalists have fabricated news, because it is their job to entertain and tell the news to the public; and it should be truthful!

I agree with Jack Shafers assertion to an extent. People lie for many different reasons and one of those reasons may go along with what Shafer suggests. Certain people have the ability to write a good story and others have to work a bit harder to create a good story, so colleges and universities are mainly doing fine in teaching their journalism students the responsibilities and pressures of being a journalist. Whether or not a university or college expand to teach a journalism student about the responsibilities and pressures, they should know about them anyway. Being a journalist obviously, like any other profession, is not always going to be easy and the students at universities and colleges should know that. 

When issues of ethics arise, a newspaper ombudsman is definitely a big help because they will respond to reader about their complaints and they also provide an independent critique of the paper's performance. 

Monday, 14 November 2016

Work Assignments

This semester, in Journalism 120, I've learned many new things. I've written Top 10 Movies to Watch for Halloween and the same for Thanksgiving and Remembrance Day. Right now, my partner and I are working on an article about Roots of Empathy. When writing these articles my partner and I have learned many new things. Some of these new things would be: how to create a list of good movies that is well organized and interesting, how to embed a picture and even how to embed a video. In my next work assignment I'd like to learn some new things; some new things I'd like to learn would probably be how to create a review on movies/TV shows, and videos. In my next assignment I am hoping to work with my partner and write an interesting and detailed film review. 

Tips for Writing a Film Review

Example of a film review 
This film review (above) is an example of a review that I'm interested in doing. If my future assignment is a film review, this link is to a review similar to one I would do. Also, the link "Tips for Writing a Film Review" would help me greatly in writing this review.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Hard News VS. Soft News

This article Gun Fired Near Campbellton School, Moose Hunter Facing Charged is hard news because it is crime. This article is categorized as a crime article because a man who was hunting in central Newfoundland fired a gun within 300 meters of homes and within 1000 meters of Greenwood Academy. The moose was seized and the hunter will appear in court. If convicted, he will face charges and a possible 5 year ban from hunting. This is hard news because it is a crime and it is an event that requires immediate reporting. 

The article Hair Cuts That Take Off 10 Years is a soft article. This article explains and gives examples of hairstyles that: firm up the jawline, hide forehead wrinkles, sculpt cheekbones and etc. This is an article that has to do with entertainment and lifestyle and that is why it's considered to be soft. Soft articles have more colorful and explanatory language, as does this article.

This article Air Canada Swiftly Reverses Poppy Stand After Outcry From Staff is an article that the line between soft news and hard news is blurred. This article could be fairly hard because shortly after the decision was made against wearing poppies in uniform, it was posted online. After people were upset with the decision that Air Canada made, they changed their minds and posted that wearing  poppies is supported. This article is not quite hard because it is not crime, politics or war, but it is not soft because it is not quite lifestyle, art or entertainment. I would say this article is strictly in between the two.